Celerity Educational Group

Company: Celerity Educational Group
U.S. public company?
United States of America
Financial institution?

Agreement Information
Type of crime: None
Docket text*:
Agreement text: PDF
Disposition type: NP
Agreement date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2017-06-01
Jurisdiction: California - Central District
Document source: FOIA request

Related Documents
Text of press release: Press Release
Other agreement:

Fines / Punishment
Length of agreement (in months): 0
Fine amount ($): 0
Restitution amount ($): 0
Forfeiture/disgorgement amount ($): 0
Additional regulatory fine amount ($): 0
Community service / other penalties ($): 0
Total payments ($): 0

Related Cases
Parallel regulatory action? -
Regulatory fine ($): -
Regulatory disgorgement/forfeiture ($): -
Total regulatory payment amount ($): -
Payments description: -
Parallel civil suit? -
Civil judgment? -
Civil judgment amount: -

Independent monitor required? -
Other officer required? -
Compliance program required? -
New position required? -
Outside experts required? -
Governance changes required? -
Who selects monitor? -
Length of monitorship (in months): -
Monitor name: -
Was the monitor a former prosecutor? -

Other Agreement Variables
Leniency considerations? -
Accept responsibility? -
Statement of facts: -
United States Sentencing Guidelines? -
Description of pre-agreement compliance -
Regulatory compliance required? -
Unrelated terms: -
Privacy waiver? -
Fine calculation included? -
Fine description: -
Can DOJ unilaterally terminate agreement? -
Regulatory agency: -
Part of Swiss Bank Program? -
Notes: -

*The docket above is unofficial and may be incomplete or out-of-date. The official docket is available on PACER (fees may apply).